Content Products in the US
We provide automatically generated content packages, based on structured and regularly updated data, on a number of topics and in a number of languages.
Available products
Weather Warnings product
The US Weather Warnings product is based on data from the National Weather Service, and include a full range of events in categories like Winter weather, Excessive heat, Thunderstorms, Flooding and Wind.

Available products
Wildfires product
The Wildfire texts are based on the latest data from Cal Fire, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as well as InciWeb (United States Forest Service) and NIFC, National Interagency Fire Center.

Real estate content
Residential Real Estate, which delivers information about sold homes in any given geographies.
Commercial Real Estate, which delivers information about commercial real estate sales within a specified area.

Traffic product
The US traffic product delivers brief traffic updates from TomTom that cover real-time traffic incidents. Content is updated automatically when the situation changes. Each article includes a Google Maps satellite image to show the location of the incident.

Hurricane product
The Hurricane product delivers automated content for ongoing storm systems using data from the National Hurricane Center.