How it works
Our Content-as-a-Service solution for newsrooms
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United Robots offers Content-as-a-Service, which means we build the robots and send the automatically generated content they produce straight to your CMS, sites or apps.
Our robots analyse structured data, find connections and create quality content at high volume and speed (using conditional AI, not generative AI). We then use our smart distribution platform to deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time.
Our automated content products solve two main use cases:
1. Immediate, 24/7 coverage. Products like Weather Warnings have a strong timing element to them – the content keeps the public updated on critical developments. You receive ready-to-publish articles instantly.
2. More (hyper)local content. Products like Real Estate sales, are more about being able to publish a greater volume of stories that are relevant on a hyperlocal level.
Whatever the automated content type, the product consists of ready-to-publish texts, usually accompanied by an image.
Check out our showcase site for live examples of the automated content!

How the robot texts become your own
United Robots guarantees that the texts you receive for publication will be unique to you. We do this in two ways:
1. You set the rules of your newsroom style guide
As part of the content service set-up, the publisher can provide the United Robots delivery team with feedback on the automated texts against certain items in the newsroom style guide.
2. How the text engine works
Our NLG text engine randomly generates tens of thousands of possible combinations of sentences – or more, depending on the number of data points involved / lengths of articles. On top of this it is set to not repeat any given combinations, so that the same text is never sent to more than one publisher.
Our service features
Taking care of data
We take care of research, collection, and structuring, securing the best data available for your needs.
Personal onboarding
We implement unique text options in the robot, according to your newsroom guidelines and preferences.
Streamlined integration
We lead the implementation process, including integration and delivery into your content system/CMS.
24/7 support and maintenance
We take full responsibility for maintenance, securing accurate and reliable delivery at all times.
Continuous improvement
We collect input from newsrooms and readers, and work toward enhanced content services and newsroom tools.
Success support and problem solving
Your personal success manager helps you solve problems and maximise the business and journalism effects you can achieve through news automation.
The United Robots launch sequence
We have a clear launch sequence, to get publishers up and running with the automated content. A member of our delivery team will support and follow you all the way from project scope until the content is live on your site, at which point you're handed over to one of our customer success managers.