What our clients say about us

Jan Stian Vold, Project Lead, Bergens Tidende, Schibsted
Driving subscriptions using automated real estate content
“It’s been fantastic to work with developers who are just as keen to drive innovation as I am. With projects like these, there’s always a risk that you launch and leave, but the United Robots team continues to walk that extra mile."

Anders Sjölin, Editor-in-Chief, Smålänningen, Bonnier News Local
Supporting the local newsroom
"United Robots are solution-oriented and have a great understanding of our reader business. Hence, the end customer of the automated text is thought of already in the development stage.”

Mads Ommundsen, Project Lead, Fædrelandsvennen, Polaris Media Group
Automating real estate articles
"I have a very positive impression of United Robots as a supplier. We've only needed four weeks to launch the service on our site. I feel safe in the knowledge that this positive partnership means we'll be able to make this service even better going forward."

Anna-Karin Tilleby, Project Manager Content Development, NTM
Strategy for doubling digital subscriptions
“What I appreciate most is the close collaboration with United Robots. Together, we come up with solutions that make the content both better and more readable.”

Ard Boer, Sports Project Manager, Mediahuis Noord
Covering 60,000 regional football matches
“What United Robots deliver is unique. Not only do they provide very good automated content, they also thoroughly understand the needs of our newsroom and the business of journalism. That means they are a fully fledged partner to us as a news publisher, and as such they are quick and proactive.”